Stewarding businesses into institutions
In light of the many crises that haunt the daily news cycle, there is one segment of the corporate landscape that seems to be weathering the storm better than most: family businesses.
In light of the many crises that haunt the daily news cycle, there is one segment of the corporate landscape that seems to be weathering the storm better than most: family businesses.
Tools for the next generation to approach the retirement conversation tactfully with patience, strategy and smarts.
Many families have decided to formalize a Family Office to serve the financial and professional needs of family members.
As a result of our expertise, we are able to assist families across the spectrum of needs.
Successful family enterprise leaders must tend both to the needs of the business and the family
This article presents a systematic review of the literature on the subject of family philanthropy.
Dr Katherine Grady and Dr Wendy Ulaszek discuss Family Owners Councils and their importance supporting family business continuity.
We conceptualize two interrelated approaches to education: a deductive or “outside-in” approach.
The creation of a Family Council is one way to restore balance between business and family life.
Business, ownership and family issues are intertwined in a way that is going to get very complicated.
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