
Holly Isdale


Holly Isdale

Holly Isdale

Holly is a trusted advisor to multi-generational families who appreciate her deep technical expertise, particularly around family office strategy and estate planning.  

After 20-plus years on Wall Street, Holly was frustrated that wealthy families, despite hiring top advisors, were failing to achieve their goals, usually due to a lack of coordination and execution across these advisors. So she began advising families directly, creating and quarterbacking transition plans across a continuum of family business and family office needs.

Blending legal, corporate and investment management expertise with systems engineering and plain common sense, Holly brings a unique skillset and experience to her advisory work.

A graduate of Cornell University and of Boston University School of Law, Holly began her career as a corporate tax attorney but left the active practice of law in 1994 to build and lead the estate and financial planning practices for several top Wall Street firms (JPM, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and Bessemer Trust) before joining LGA.

Holly serves on the governing board for the Collaboration for Families Flourishing (CFF). She is a frequent speaker and educator, a fellow with Family Firm Institute, a member of national and regional groups for leaders of family offices, and a trustee for the Marc Sanders Foundation, among others.

She finds her peace in nature and channels her own version of Green Acres, splitting her time between the quiet of rural Pennsylvania and the vibrancy of NYC.

Insights by Holly Isdale

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