Stewarding businesses into institutions
In light of the many crises that haunt the daily news cycle, there is one segment of the corporate landscape that seems to be weathering the storm better than most: family businesses.
In light of the many crises that haunt the daily news cycle, there is one segment of the corporate landscape that seems to be weathering the storm better than most: family businesses.
In principle, everyone in a family business, from shareholders and board members to executives and employees, has a right to their own politics.
Families increasingly use entrepreneurship funds to finance and benefit from new ideas among members.
The emerging story surrounding the role that the Sackler’s.
In a surprisingly high percentage of cases, the work of family business consulting includes an element of re-parenting.
What have we learned about efficient (and less anxiety-raising) ways to apply the family’s human capital over time?
The next generation of mentors – parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, senior business leaders and advisors – play an important role in guiding the next generation of family members.
The grand qualities of a founder can lead to rigidity in the business and undermine competence in successors.
You’ve reached mid-life. Doubts arise about your commitment to the business. Five key questions will help you clarify your career goals.
Families pay a high price for not understanding that individuals grapple with different issues at different ages.
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